Now what in the world could a title like that be about?. Maybe it’s a line from a John Wayne movie! Or it’s a story about early arrivals in America! No! Rather it is about a little boy growing up and wondering what was this deep desire groaning around in him that seemed to have no answer. The story broadens and deepens as his life goes on through grammar school, Junior High and into High School where an auto accident further puzzles and deepens his confusion. From there on into a failed college experience that leads to a three year stint in the Army filled with deprivation and odd musical recollections. After the Army further failed college experiences and a desperate flight from college into more depravity in California. Next comes the humiliation of returning home with depression and a seemingly meaningless life. Then comes a “chance” meeting at a summer stock play where he falls head over heals for a sweet little blond girl. From there marriage on until the present day, now over 53 years ago, is the revealing of what life is truly all about. Read and find out what happened to me and it just might be an encouragement.
~ Senor Tomas aka The grand Poobah or the “old geezer”
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